What's new with us?

New Project: South Base Expansion Development
Contract Value: $18,974,416
Client: King County
Location: Tukwila
The project involves building a new vehicle maintenance building for Metro buses, including associated site work.

Shout out!
Ben Sullivan passed his NCCO certification to run the crawler crane!

Congratulations to Kahlen Sheehan and his fiancé, Michaela, on their recent engagement!

Safety Corner

Safety Improvements:
As we move out of spring and into summer, we have completed all open action items from our Baseline Corporate Safety Audits. As a team, we accomplished over 175 total safety improvements!
Safety Training:
Coming soon: Prospect Monthly Training Calendar. We are working on creating a monthly training Calendar that will have a topic for each month and all safety meeting tool box talks will line up with the theme for that month. We expect to have the calendar up and running before the end of May. Finally a refresh on our weekly safety meeting topics!
Hazard Alerts:
We are gaining great momentum on our Hazard Alert/LFI program! We have raised the bar in the last couple of months and we are getting alerts from every job site! So far in April we had eight alerts with more coming in each day! We have made nearly 30 safety improvements as a result of our Hazard Alerts alone!
Cowlitz Hatchery
Cowlitz Fish Facility is wrapping up all punch list items and will be off site by March 3rd. We want to give a shout out to everyone involved in the project. Tacoma Power just voiced how happy they were with Prospect's work on the project. Thank you!
Soos Creek Fish Hatchery
Soos Creek continues to push hard. On the civil side, Steve Peters is leading the push to complete all the underground piping, site grading, and pump/equipment installation. Russ is pushing on the structural side with work in the intake and hatchery building, as well as starting work on the office building. There is a big push on the project to get the new hatchery up and running by June 15th so the old structures can start being removed during the 2019 in water work window. Currently, Northeast Electric and Lincoln Construction are onsite helping us with this goal.
Snoqualmie WRF Phase 2
The team at Snoqualmie has worked hard on wrapping up the Phase II Improvements for the City. Jeff Frazier has lead the mechanical crew on wrapping up plumbing & pipefitting work. Skip Lervold and Chris Alexander have gone above and beyond to get equipment installed throughout the site. The project team has worked hand-in-hand with RH2 Engineering and the City of Snoqualmie to get the plant up and running to process wastewater in the new Solids Handling Facility. The Engineer and Owner are pleased with the hard work our labor force has provided, as well as the quality of the final product.
Salmon Creek WWTP
This project is in full swing now. Demolition of existing structures is 70% complete. The Lab/Office has been selectively demolished, and we are building it back up. We set the hollow core planks to cover the tanks and will be starting the structural steel and SIP wall panels soon. The temporary odor control system is installed and we have begun demolition of the existing system. In the dewatering room, we are currently in the middle of a time sensitive shutdown as we demolish the existing sludge conveyor and install the new conveyor in a temporary configuration to provide us better access. With our new access to the back side of the building, we will finish the mechanical demo and our dewatering/shoring subcontractor will begin the end of this month. PCI and its subcontractors are doing a great job planning, coordinating, and safely executing this complex project on a postage stamp site.
Picnic Point WWTF
The second Phase of Picnic Point is starting up 5/13/19. In addition to adding the alternate work last winter, the Owner has also awarded an additional $2 million of change order work to upgrade their existing WAS holding tanks, headworks washer compactors, and aeration gate actuators. The crews, led by Brian Nisley, Skip Lervold, and Jeremy Jaeger, did an excellent job of performing Phase 1 work professionally and with excellence.
The Team is excited for another successful venture!
Clark's Creek Fish Hatchery
Major concrete work continues at the Clark's Creek Hatchery Rebuild with concrete placement nearing completion on the upper raceway. Crews have already completed the lower raceway, adult pond, pollution abatement pond, and distribution box, leaving only the round ponds as the last major structure remaining. Yard piping is in full swing with completion and tie-in of the main 30” HDPE drain, and installation of the supply water from the distribution box continuing to the raceways and main hatchery building. Renovation activities for the main hatchery building are also ongoing with lead paint abatement and re-coating in the hatchery rooms and at the exterior historic steel windows.
Kent Booster Station
The Kent Booster Pump Station consists of building a new fresh water pump station for the city of Kent; work consists of constructing a new CMU building that will house the pumps, generator, and external fuel storage tank. The crews have successfully excavated and poured the footings and the stem wall. We are currently working hard to complete the concrete portion of the building. Due to curing time requirements, foresight has been included in the scheduling of the work. Early procurement of site and underslab mechanical work allows for crews to stay busy during cure periods. The next months will include a transition into the site work, CMU installation, roofing, and interior piping systems.
North Bend WWTP
Crews successfully finished the Wet Well 6 Bypass work, which included five days of bypassing the sewage from the influent MH to the headworks at the North Bend WWTP. An operator was required to be with the bypass pumping system 24/7 in case of any emergency. The plan was successfully executed, and the crews finished the work in a week. Work was led by Skip Lervold and Bill Parsons.